Support Services

Support Services

At times a Headteacher needs an objective third party to review an area of the organization. This could be to provide evidence for Governors or a forthcoming inspection.

Ideally such a review is carried out in partnership with post holders within the school.  By supporting leaders in this way it enables them to grow their own capacity for self review and evaluation leading to an improvement in the area they lead.

The scope of the review can be tailored to the needs of the area/subject/theme and can include

  • Data analysis
  • Observation
  • Work scrutiny
  • Teacher discussion /questionnaire
  • Student discussion/questionnaire
  • Policy/document review
  • Self evaluation review
  • Governor discussion
  • Parent view


After the review the staff involved bring all the evidence together to triangulate their findings and produce recommendations. If required, the evidence can be matched to the Ofsted framework.

An action plan is drafted with success criteria against milestones. The monitoring of the plan is decided.


Sue Child can provide support for the above process, either by carrying out the review or by coaching a senior leader/group of leaders to carry out the review.